PSA: TPT GIF Banners!
All. Of. The. Acronyms.
But seriously. You can make your own little rolling advertisement for the top of your TPT page. It is a game changer, y'all.
Click here ooh and aah over my TPT tweaks live and running (fingers crossed anyways).
Click here for the link to the page of instructions I followed to create and upload my GIF banner.
Here's the my paraphrased/slightly tweaked instructions:
1. Find the photo editing and creation software of your choice. I've used since high school, but the original blogger suggests another website. You need a program that will let you customize your size.
2. Create the images you would like to advertise or roll through on your page. 450 by 176 pixels worked well. It seems you could go slightly larger (or even smaller if you have a different idea flowing in your head).
3. Create the images. Quotes, advertisements, an about me, just fun pictures. Go wild-ish. Just ask yourself how long you would sit and look at someone's TPT banner (no matter how adorably well designed it is).
4. Save to your computer. Upload into and choose the amount of time you want on each picture, ect. You can preview before saving.
5. Save the GIF to your computer and head over to TPT.
6. Go to your Dashboard. Click Edit Profile (by your name at the top). On your quote box you can select text or image, choose the image option. Choose your file. Save.
7. Go ahead. Say it. Oooooh. Ahhhhh.
Until next time,