Amazon. It's like the Narnia of the internet. You order things. They magically appear. You can get lost for days. You find neat things. Your family gets a little worried about your sanity. Your wallet begs for mercy from Aslan himself.
In the world of international travel planning though, it is hard to beat. You can compare products and prices. Get free prime shipping. Return it for free (PSA: I need to speak with you magical beings from the land of Actually Remember to Return Things.). Most importantly, you can read thousands of reviews to help you make up your mind.
I've offically been on two separate trips abroad at this point. I've actually stayed in Scotland, England, Ireland, France, and The Netherlands. So while I still consider myself a novice, I've learned a few key things. Today, I'm hitting the things I would re-buy from Amazon for a trip. These are not all of the things I bought from Amazon (my bank account wishes), but these felt like they were worth the money.
My problem is that I'm cheap.
So these products are for the most part the happy medium of budget and somewhat positive reviews on Amazon. These are the particular brands I was happy with. Feel free to go wild and scroll through listings until the cows come home.
I'm not making any commission on these links.
1. The Anker Battery Pack
Pros: This thing will recharge my phone fully almost three times and it is three years old now. It is small enough to fit into a small purse. It is simple to use. It's a battery pack, you know the drill.
Cons: It takes a while to charge up again. Let it charge overnight while you're sleeping. Problem solved.
2. Dual Voltage Power Strip
Pros: Three USBs. Three 3-Prong plugs. Dual voltage. It is the perfect way to transition from American airport sitting to international airport sitting. I have found that international hostels, hotels, and Airbnbs can have limited outlet availability. If you are relegated to one outlet, don't you want to make the best of it? I combined this with an international adapter and was able to forgo a converter. (Just make sure your electronics are dual voltage and the strip does the work for you!).
Plus, you'll be the most popular person at the airport.
Cons: None. I use this thing on my nightstand every night. The tablet USB port helps charge my ipad and phone really quick.
3. Anti-theft Backpack
This bag open from panel that is against your back while you're wearing it! It's perfect for metro rides, tourist traps, cafe runs, or anywhere where you start to feel society's need for deodorant on a cellular level.
Pros: It does not look anti-theft. There are not complicated clasps. It doesn't have a fanny pack feel. It was water resistant enough to keep my camera safe in a Parisian downpour.
Several European museums do not allow backpacks at all. This has a strap attached to wear it as a purse! Problem solved! I didn't have to put my bag into coat check.
My friend bought another kind. It was cute, but it was tiny. She had to pick and choose her essentials every day. I didn't. It was kinda nice, not gonna lie. It held my DSLR, my make up bag, my phone charger, my money, an umbrella, a rain jacket, and a water bottle. I even had a back up pair of shoes in there at one point!
Cons: None that I could find. I used it for 15 days around Paris, London, and Amsterdam in every kind of weather.
4. Privacy Screen
Because getting sat next to a nosy neighbor on a 10 hour flight or a creepy guy looking over shoulder in a foreign metro car is real life.
Pros: You can read what book or watch what movie you want to on your plane ride. You can look at your bank statement and see what damage you've done. It's ten dollar peace of mind. Worth it. It's great protection, and it is really thick plastic.
Cons: If you like tempered glass, this ain't it. I personally don't because glass shatters, these don't.
5. Quality Noise Cancelling Headphones
Pros: You do not even comprehend how deafeningly loud a flying aircraft is until you can cancel all of it out. I can't sleep on planes for more than a twenty minute nod, but the ability to just have quiet despite rubbing elbows with two strangers for the next 10 plus hours of your life.
Cons: MONEYYYY. I'm cheap. I would not have bought these for myself before I got them as a gift. Now, I would probably find a way to make it happen. They might be worth finding gently used or refurbished on a site you trust.
Any must haves that I missed?
Happy Travels,